The Lighthouse

A lighthouse is always a welcoming site on even the calmest and sunniest horizon. The weary traveler knows that comfort, sustenance, and reassurance, await his or her arrival under the shining beacon. But on stormy nights the lighthouse serves as an important guidepost – that helps the wayward sailor navigate back to a known location where safety awaits. At other times – the lighthouse serves as a simple landmark – a known point in space that allows the sailor to know that he or she is still on course and making headway toward his or her destination – wherever it may be.

We all need a lighthouse in life. A place that is welcoming and reassuring, a place that provides safety in troubled times, and a guide post that lets us know we are on course to our ultimate destination.

12to22 aims to serve as the guiding light that the leaders of tomorrow can rely on during even the most severe storms.

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Your Horizon

You have probably learned in school – that try as you might – you never reach the earth’s horizon. It is always in front of you, always in the distance, always beckoning your sense of adventure.  And so it is with Life – your vision – or that which you can dream of – is your life’s horizon.  The adventure is what happens as you strive to get there!

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